Try These 5 Garage Door Repair Social Media Marketing Ideas

These days, it’s pretty much a given: your customers and prospects are on social media.

To keep your garage door repair business thriving, having a presence on Facebook and Instagram is essential. Using these platforms helps you expand your service area, engage with your audience and drive more leads and sales.

But keep in mind there’s a specialized skill set involved in using social media to your full advantage.

To truly turn social media into social marketing, you’ll want to partner with someone like Hibu.

We have the all-in-one digital marketing expertise to help your garage door repair business outshine your competition — on social and across the web.

And we’ll help you implement these five key garage door repair social media marketing strategies

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1. Position Your Company as a Trustworthy Authority

Social media offers a proven way to connect with customers. increase exposure and create a positive online brand.

Use your posts to convey confidence and competence. Post regularly and consistently to build your brand and establish your company as your community’s go-to garage door repair expert.

Here are a few suggestions:

Thoughtful comments and reviews drive results in your garage door repair social media marketing.

[Related: 6 Common Digital Marketing Challenges for Local Businesses (and How To Solve Them)]

2. Showcase Your Workmanship

There’s an oft-forgotten adage in the advertising biz: “Demonstrate the product.”

That means you should show what you do, how you do it, and how it benefits your customers.

In your case, you want to convey — visually and with words — how garage doors can transform homes and improve buildings. You can even show a garage door malfunction and what your team does to get it back on track.

Social media is a great medium for doing exactly that. It’s especially powerful when you consider that customers are more likely to read a post if it’s visually compelling.

With this in mind, try using before-and-after photos to highlight one of your recent garage door repair jobs. Those images emphasize the skill and precision your work involves.

Photos are also great for giving a face (or faces) to a name. Post photos of your team members at work and trucks bearing your company logo.

Your garage door repair social media efforts benefit from that touch of personality!

[Related: Using Fast, Fun Social Media Posts for Your Small Business]

3. Make Your Posts Interesting, Engaging and Informative

Those of us in digital marketing like to say that “content is king.” But what does that mean, exactly?

In addition to selling your services, you should provide your audience with useful information.

Try these garage door repair social media tactics for your online content:

  • Create posts on topics that apply to your local customers. Think about topics like “The 5 most common garage door repairs” or “When it makes sense to buy a new garage door instead of repairing a damaged one.” You can also post links to blogs on your website.
  • Post short, informative videos, or provide links to longer YouTube videos. More people watch videos than static posts. They don’t have to be Hollywood productions — just shoot with your phone and keep them professional.
  • Consider hosting or posting Q&As. Share the answers to questions you hear from customers and prospects. Then, have your team answer questions about garage door repair jobs they’ve worked on. 

The point of providing informative content is to create engagement. That is, to draw people into your posts and keep them coming back for the next.

[Related: 7 Small Businesses Using Instagram the Right Way]

4. Highlight Promotions and Special Offers 

Everyone loves to get in on a good deal, right?

That’s a great reason to offer exclusive special social media discounts: “Click now to save XX%!”

Another idea is to highlight seasonal promotions — like a discount on garage door maintenance before winter starts. Include a clear call to action letting people know exactly how to take advantage of your offer.

Also, paid ads let you target your specific audience based on location, demographics and interests. Or you can use them to expand your service area, save time, and reach potential customers in new neighborhoods.

This is where social media really becomes social marketing — and that’s something Hibu can definitely help you with.

Garage door repair social media management doesn’t get smarter (or easier).

[Related: Where Your Local Business Should Have Ads Online]

5. Know the “Science” Behind Social Media Marketing (but Let Us Take Care of It!)

How do you make sure your social media ads reach the right audience? How do you know whether your investment is paying off?

Good questions… and that’s where Hibu’s technical expertise comes into play:

  • Making the most of Facebook’s targeting. Your social media marketing must attract local customers. We can make sure you target your service area and boost your search ranking by using location tags and hashtags. And you can simply encourage your customers to check in or tag your business when using your services.
  • Track and analyze results. Once your posts are live, you’ll want to know how they’re performing. When you partner with us, you can use your Hibu Dashboard to track your results.

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Tip: Remember That Social Media Marketing Isn’t a One-and-Done Endeavor

Building your brand is an ongoing mission.

By regularly posting on social media, you’ll assume a role of authority and keep your company top of mind with customers and prospects.

Be sure to integrate your social media advertising with your website and the rest of your digital marketing. Plus, include your social media links on your site and encourage visitors to follow you on Facebook and Instagram.

[Related: Is Your Business Social Enough?]

Partner With the Garage Door Repair Social Media Experts at Hibu

By partnering with Hibu and employing these strategies, you’ll open up your garage repair services to more customers.

We have years of experience creating digital marketing for garage door service businesses like yours. And we can back up that claim — check out a client’s success story!

Ready to take the next step?

Call us today at 877-237-6120 or complete our Get Started form for a free, no-obligation consultation on how our garage door repair social media services can help your business grow online.