In honor of April Fool Day, let’s take a look at a few foolish thoughts people often think about marketing their business online…
Foolish Myth #1:
My site looks great… and that’s all it needs to work
Your site has 3 seconds to sell your business – make sure your site looks great AND tells your customers what they need to know: who you are, what you do, and how to reach you.
Foolish Myth #2:
My website has to have all the bells and whistles
Widgets and “wow” factor are great – but not if your customers can’t find your site or stick around to see it. What your site needs is a compelling copy, professional design, and solid SEO – after all, bells and whistles are good, but visitors and new customers are even better.
Foolish Myth #3:
I have Facebook — I don’t need a website
Social is great, but your Facebook page probably won’t show up if customers simply search for what you do. Make sure your site links to your social pages — and that your social posts drive your followers back to your site.
Foolish Myth #4:
Mobile doesn’t matter — as long as desktop looks good
72% of consumers surveyed said they want mobile-friendly sites – and Google serves up mobile optimized sites first in search. Plus, a mobile-friendly site means you can reach your customers anywhere, any time, on every device.
Foolish Myth #5:
Only kids are online
Sure, 96% of 18 – 29 year olds are online… but so are 93% of people 30-49, and 81% of 50-64. Your customer base is online – and if they can’t find your business… they’re probably looking at your competition.
Sources: Google Research; Statista