Is your business stuck in 2012?
By Michael Shapiro |
Think back…
What do you remember about 2012? Who won the Super Bowl or the World Series? What long-time institution took its final bow and which modern day institution hit a huge milestone?
Watch this quick video for a fast look back. Things have changed so much… or have they? Have they changed enough? As we start 2019, how does your digital marketing today compare to what you were doing back in 2012? Maybe we need to talk… after you watch the video.
[Video transcript]
Remember way back in 2012
The Hunger Games were new
The Avengers got together for the first time
Giants won the World Series
And the Super Bowl
Encyclopedia Britannica said good-bye to print
And Facebook said “Hello!” to one BILLION users
And you… your business…
… you had a website
Just… a… website
That’s so 2012
Today your business needs more than just a website
If you want to REACH your customers
CONNECT with your customers
Then, you need more than just a website.
Today Digital marketing is
And Social
It’s Display Ads
And Online Listings
And Online Reviews
And yes, of course, you need a website
And it better be great, and it better be Mobile.
And all these different parts of your digital marketing have to work together.
To stay with your prospects as they SEARCH their options
DISCOVER what you have to offer
And ENGAGE with you again and again
If you’re still banking your business on JUST a website…
That’s so 2012.
It’s time to maximize your business online.
Put yourself in front of your customers
And ahead of your competition
Turn your website into the central hub
Of an effective
Business building
Money making
Marketing machine
Because THAT is digital marketing today!