Hibu Client Case Study: Jani-Care

Hibu supports small businesses trying to find their footing in the digital sphere. Find out how Hibu helped Jani-Care of Louisiana adapt to demand and break into the world of digital marketing.

The Challenge

While Jani-Care was comfortable using traditional advertising techniques like regional TV and radio, print media, and local football programs, it hadn’t yet found an effective digital marketing method.


The Hibu Solution

Along with a true business website, Hibu built Jani-Care a comprehensive, integrated digital marketing solution that included updated business listings, search and social ads, reviews, and Hibu-automated email and text marketing.


“[Hibu] put together a good program with my budget in mind – and I have a real moderate budget – so they were able to maximize what they were doing with the money I had available.”

- Danny Bonfiglio, President and Owner


The Results

In 90 days, Hibu's digital marketing for Jani-Care generated:

  • 147 total leads
  • 451 ad clicks
  • 1,219 website visits
  • 106 calls

To learn more, download the full case study.


Want to talk about getting results like these for your business? Contact us.