Hibu Client Case Study: Delta Pest Services

Find out how Hibu's digital marketing solution helped a pest control client create more leads for their business.

Owned by brothers Shawn & Shae Robinson, Delta Pest Services has been helping the residents and businesses in Baton Rouge since 2015. Shawn Robinson, Co-Owner, said, “Since the late ’90s, we’ve been involved in the pest control industry - in the distribution aspect of it as far as products, chemicals, equipment, and things of that nature.”

“We had two locations across Louisiana, and in 2008, we consolidated those locations into the Baton Rouge area,” he continued. “In 2011, we started working specifically in the pest control industry to start obtaining our license in the industry for application purposes. In 2015, we incorporated Delta Pest Services and it became an operating entity of its own.”

"My favorite part is being able to solve the homeowners' problems, and being able to see that immediate result."

- Shae Robinson, Delta Pest Services

The Challenge

Delta Pest Services tried a different marketing agency in the past, but the results had dwindled over the years, and they were ready for a marketing strategy that could deliver consistent results and stand the test of time. 

“When we first got started with the other marketing company, everything was going along pretty well; the phone was ringing really well that first year, and then as time went on it was like something wasn’t quite right with the whole website. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew something wasn’t right. The calls started falling off a little bit, and I was getting calls from people in California,” said Shae. 

“One of the biggest problems was being able to compete with those national companies, knowing that our dollars were being spent correctly, and doing the things we need to do to compete with them. Their pockets are somewhat unlimited, they can just go where they need to go,” he said.


The Hibu Solution

Hibu built Delta Pest Services a comprehensive, integrated digital marketing solution starting with an updated more effective website that cleared up their SEO issues and increased their visibility online. In addition, Delta’s custom marketing solution also included reviews generation, advanced SEO, and search and social advertising to drive more visitors to their website. 

"Customers say, 'we chose you guys because of your reviews on Google.'"

- Shae Robinson, Delta Pest Services

And, of course, every Hibu solution comes with unmatched client-for-life service. Shawn said, “We get immediate responses for any issues that we’re having. Whether that’s a phone call, a chat on the Hibu backend, or an email.”


The Results

“We can definitely see an increase in the call volume and the website traffic, and of course, we get those reports from Hibu instantly when there’s a phone call. We can listen to those calls and see what we’re doing right or doing wrong, see what the customer is telling our people on our side of the phone, and make sure we’re answering those questions correctly and that they’re trained correctly. It’s a lot more in-depth than what we were used to,” said Shae. 

In addition, Shawn & Shae also value the dashboard that Hibu offers. “I definitely think we’re using it more and more as time goes,” Shawn said. Shae followed up, saying, “I look at [Hibu] as a complete package – it all just works together.”

"We've seen an increase in business. A lot of our friends in the same business have been flat, but we've shown growth this last year."

- Shae Robinson, Delta Pest Services

In a 90-day period, Hibu's digital marketing for Delta Pest generated:
  • 193 total leads
  • 1,953 ad clicks
  • 2,777 website visits
  • 166 calls



Hibu is a leading provider of digital marketing solutions to local businesses across the US. With Hibu, your business has a truly integrated marketing program designed to increase your visibility online, drive visitors to your website and generate leads. Visit Hibu.com or call us at 855-409-6569 today to get more from your digital marketing.